Singkong & Yogurt

Singkong & Yogurt eCookbook

Amanda Niode, PhD, Chair, Omar Niode Foundation

  • Interior page design & layout
  • Cover design
  • eBook design
  • PDF for website distribution

eBook DesignWorks designed an eCookbook of recipes by Indonesian Food Bloggers, a group with more than 10,000 members. Renee and Mark patiently worked with me through the whole process. They offered excellent professional suggestions, but kept me involved every step of the way. Their attention to detail was meticulous! My cookbook design is professional, and the price I paid was very reasonable, especially considering the wonderful result. The food bloggers love it! The cookbook is in Bahasa Indonesian, excellent proof that eBook DesignWorks is a quality partner for anyone anywhere in the world. I highly recommend them!” — Amanda Niode

  • Categories:
    book covers, book interiors, cookbooks, foreign language, lead magnets, list builders, promotional books